
E-mail: rainbowchina@hotmail.co.nz

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作者:管理员    发布于:2014-12-04 11:17:54    文字:【】【】【




各位朋友,为纪念新西兰与中国建交四十二周年和习近平主席对新西兰进行国事访问, 促进新-中两国文化艺术交流,在中华人民共和国驻新西兰大使馆全力支持下,新西兰七彩中国文化传媒集团,联手中国文学艺术基金会,中国美术

家协会,新西兰-中国友好协会,新西兰邓里文化艺术基金会于201411月在新西兰举办中国-新西兰书画作品。这是一次新西兰与中国美术家的文化交流活动。此次参展的作品都是来自新西兰,中国当代国画,书法大师的杰作,其艺术品味崇尚,作品价值连城。同时,由中国美术家协会主席刘大为先生为团长的中国美术家代表团将到新西兰访问, 参加画展的开幕式. 如此之多的中国美术届艺术大师到新西兰访问和参展,是很难得的。
















Dear all Friends, To celebrate 42nd Diplomtaic relations between New Zealand and the People’s Republic of China and President Xi Jinping’s offical visits to New Zealand and enhance culture exhange program between two countires, Rainbow China Culture and Media Group of New Zealand joint by China Literature and Art Foundation , China Visual Artists Association, New Zealand-China Friendship Society Inc. and Deng’s Culture & Art Foundation of New Zealand Inc. with support from Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, are hosting New Zealand China Art Exhibition in November 20124 in New Zealand. The exhibition is culture exchange activities in which masters pieces of artworks created by well-known New Zealand and Chinese artists will be displayed. These artworks will have extraordinary taste of arts and remarkable value. It is rather precious opportunity that so many such high quality artworks collected and exhibited in New Zealand. 


In 42 years since establishment of diplomatic relations between China and New Zealand, the developments of communications and exchanges of two countries in diplomatic, economic, trade, education and other aspects have formed good shape and achieved great results. Rainbow China Culture & Media Group of New Zealand Limited is committed to promote Chinese culture to the world as well as culture and arts exchange activities between China and countries in the region of South Pacific Ocean. Our company will cooperate with top Chinese culture and arts institutions though all kinds of culture and arts projects exchanges and visits, variety performances, art exhibitions including classical and contemporary artworks, which are covering Chinese art paintings, calligraphy, photography and China folk arts, films and television exchange program and cooperation in order to promote and heritage Chinese Culture in overseas as well as innovating soft ability of Chinese culture worldwide.


I firmly believe that this exhibition will enhance culture and arts exchange process between New Zealand and China. This exhibition will allow more Chinese people travelling or living in New Zealand to heritage their own culture and enjoy beautiful artworks created by New Zealand artists. It is also providing opportunities to KIWI and other ethnic groups to appreciate top quality artworks dedicated and created by famous New Zealand and Chinese artists and celebrate culture diversities.


I wish 2014 New Zealand-China Arts Exhibition to be successful!  



Mr. Simon Deng

Managing Director

Rainbow China Culture and Media Group of New Zealand


New Zealand China Friendship Society Inc.


Deng’s Culture and Arts Foundation of New Zealand Inc.     
